Katie Peters
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2 recommendations


About Me

I'm in my 50s
Dietary requirements
I am: Always hungry
I'm allergic to: Nothing
I'd rather not eat: Marzipan
I'd rather eat: Non processed

Not hosting any upcoming events

Not attending any upcoming events

Not hosted any events

Latest Reviews

Maria | 5 years

Middle Eastern Feast

I love sharing food with people who love food - it's a mutual love affair ....

Maria | 5 years

Winter Salads

An absolute joy to have over to dinner, very friendly, thoughtful and great company (i've already eaten the ears off) .

Sarah Corbridge | 5 years

February2019 | Cook the Book!

Katie is a joy to have as a guest and provided a showstopper of a pudding. Mixed well with the others and very down to earth. Look forward to seeing her again soon.

Sarah Corbridge | 5 years

Cook the Book!

It was wonderful having Katie as part of our group. Can't wait to have her again. :)

Maria | 6 years

Vietnamese Feast

When you see Katie's name on a guest you know everything is going to be alright. Guaranteed to light up a room and make the evening flow with conversation, please do come again soon

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