

Hackney, London


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About Me

I'm in my 30s
I am happiest
When I share food and soulful chats with anyone interested.
Dietary requirements
I am: Always hungry, pescatarian
I'm allergic to: Wheat, milk, gluten
I'd rather not eat: Fatty food, red meat, pork, blue cheese, marzipan, raw meat
I'd rather eat: Ethically sourced food
I'm a whole-food chef, health coach, shiatsu enthusiast and founder of The Bright Lagoon - a platform of wholesome inspiration, where eastern medicine meets the western lifestyle. I believe in the power of food beyond its a nutritional value, in a balanced diet, in feeling rather than thinking and in taking life one step at a time with a smile on my face. For more info and to know more about my supper club events visit or follow me on instagram @bright.lagoon

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