Latest Reviews for Lynda Butcher

Anya Peach | 4 years

Cookbook Club: At My Table

Lynda's efforts don't go unnoticed. She's become such a confident cook over the last 12 months and is always such a pleasure to have her at my table.

Anya Peach | 4 years

Cookbook Club: Midnight Chicken

Lynda challenged herself as she always does and cooked a gorgeous pate. Perfect guest as always x

Anya Peach | 4 years

Cookbook Club: Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat

Great to have Lynda back after a long summer! And as always her dish was sensational

Anya Peach | 5 years

Wivenhoe Cookbook Club: Simple

Lynda is a great guest, I love that she challenges herself to cook something new every time and she is such a great guest. Always supportive and encouraging

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