Kiera Bartlett


Lommel, Vlaanderen


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Time Management Plan Assignment

Project time management is key to getting professional projects done on-time. It increases efficacy, reduces stress and makes the entire project more likely to be successful.

Complete this template by nhs fpx 4000 assessment 3 analyzing a current health care problem at the end of Week 6 and submit it to your instructor for scoring. Carefully read the Course Project Milestone 3 Guidelines and Rubric before completing your template.

Analyze a Current Health Care Problem or Issue

NHS-FPX 4000 Assessment 3

Throughout your career as a health care professional, you will encounter many problems that require solutions. This assessment allows you to practice your research skills and the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach by researching best practices on a current health care issue. It also requires you to analyze a potential solution and determine its ethical implications.

Medication errors in nursing and healthcare are a serious problem that affect patient safety and the quality of care. This essay focuses on a possible solution to medication error issues, which is the education and training of nurses on proper medication handling nhs fpx 6004 policy proposal. It also examines the ethical considerations that would be associated with this proposed solution, such as autonomy, justice, and beneficence.

In your media piece, you are encouraged to use scholarly information to describe and explain the health care issue. This includes the use of evidence-based data and a literature review, if appropriate. Please follow APA formatting and scholarly writing standards when composing your essay. This is especially important for your citations and in-text references.

Develop a Policy Proposal

A time management plan is a structure that ensures you have enough time to complete tasks each day. It allows you to customize a schedule that is suitable for your work pace and the number of tasks you are responsible for each day. It also helps you meet deadlines and achieve professional goals.

In order to develop an effective time management plan, it is important to determine your current workload and set SMART goals. Then, prioritize and categorize your tasks based on their level of importance. This will help you to avoid wasting time on unimportant tasks and concentrate on the most important ones first. It is also important to consider external distractions when developing your time management plan. This can include things such as loud noises or interruptions from coworkers. You may also want to nhs fpx 6008 developing a business case sharing your plan with your family so they can help you stay focused on your work.

A well-developed time management plan will also allow you to anticipate and accommodate unexpected occurrences in your schedule. For example, if you have to attend a meeting, you can adjust your plan by allocating extra time in advance. This will give you the freedom to spend additional time on your priority tasks or take a break from working when needed.

Develop a Business Case

The ability to prioritize tasks and systematically complete work by deadlines is an important skill. Time management can also help students meet professional project goals, as well as personal and academic ones. Having good time management skills can increase efficacy NR 351 Week 2 Time Management Plan Assignment satisfaction, especially when combined with other personal and professional development strategies.

To develop a business case, begin by identifying the project’s scope and objectives. Once you’ve determined the project’s goals, define the activities and their timeline. Often, this is done with a work breakdown structure (WBS) and major milestones. Next, identify resources that will be needed to complete the project. This can include people, materials, equipment and budget. Finally, estimate how much time each activity will take.

Once you have your plan, communicate it to others in your life. This can include your family, classmates and professors. This will not only ensure that everyone understands what is expected of you, but it may also motivate them to work with you and keep you on track. If you NR 393 Week 2 Milestone with a family, it is especially important to talk with them about your schedule. If they know what you are working on, they might ask you to help with a household chore or cook dinner. Alternatively, they can offer support and encouragement if you have a bad day.

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