Hayley Pettitt




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About Me

I'm in my 40s
I am happiest
eating a tonne of cheese, bread and drinking wine in Paris, with my husband.
Dietary requirements
I am: Always hungry
I'm allergic to: Mussels
I'd rather not eat: Raw meat, offal, oysters, marzipan, anchovies
I'd rather eat: Non processed, ethically sourced food, organic
Hi I'm Hayley, a wife and mother of three. Originally a born and bred Londoner, I moved to Rochester in Kent in 2008 and I very much consider this my home now. Growing up, I have fond memories of baking and cooking with my now, 90 year old Nana. Apple Pies, Rice Puddings and "proper" Yorkshires set the pace for a love of home cooking. When I was 14, I remember the first dessert I made for her and Grandad, was a Lemon Sabayon. My Grandad - an ex Coal Miner from the North East - must've thought I was being a right fancy pants! I chose to study for a Diploma in Catering & Hospitality Management at college, in which I excelled, but upon graduating, I admit I totally sold out to go and do a higher paid office job! All was not lost however, and my love for food and cookery continued as I devoted my spare time to learning all I could about the cuisines of the world; whilst ensuring I kept a firm hand on my chef's knife. The skills learned throughout my career, teamed with my curiosity and passion for all things food, have given me the confidence to take the plunge and start my own cookery tuition business: Cook Eat Happy. I love to cook simple, unprocessed food and particularly love making Italian and Indian dishes. When my kids eat what I've made, I burst a little bit and try not to do some sort of embarrassing 'happy dance' around the kitchen. Positive reactions to my food is what keeps me going; I just love making people happy with my cooking.

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